Violins: 1931 James Reynold Carlisle No. 388 SOLD Stradivari Model
James Reynold Carlisle No. 388
please inquire for price
Handmade by James Reynold Carlisle (1886 – 1962), not a violin made in his shop by other employed workers. Ohio maker who worked for the Rudolph Wurlitzer firm in the 1920s and helped to train Rembert Wurlitzer. Labels for his personal work include a thumbprint. He used a Stradivari and Guarneri model. This is his Stradivari model, which includes a thumbprint on the label. He was 45 years old when he fabricated this violin.
This is the Premium Grade model of the 3 models offered by the shop of the renowned and award winning American Violin maker James Reynold Carlisle.
The video that was presented here is a 9 minute film released on February 1, 1925 called: "The Violin Speaks" featuring the violin maker James Reynold Carlisle. Watch out for the young Rembert Wurlitzer, who was one of Carlisle's pupils.
Copy and paste this link to see the film, now that we have a professional audio of the violin in stock, the video is on You Tube where it has been since 2014:
Added October 10, 2018 is the next to the last photo to be shown in the Gallery of the unfinished scroll of a lower grade instrument from the same workshop, followed by the last photo showing the finished scroll on our model. It's easy to see the center line not being completely carved into the throat, as in the model we are offering at the present time.