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The Queen of Spain sees the Tripodion used in Concert in 1848

Agustin Campo - Son of Guitarmaker Benito Campo (1798-1857) plays

by: Randy Osborne - Published 01/01/2024 4:21 PM and updated 01/01/2024 6:54 PM

In the daily "El Espectador" (Madrid. 1841) February 5, 1848 page 3, in the "Gacetilla de Madrid" section was this article about a concert held on February 4, 1848:

El texto en Español es al fin de este pagina.

Children's Philharmonic Session.—Yesterday,

at nine o'clock in the evening, they had the honor of playing

presence of SS. MM. a girl of nine

years, disciple of Mr. Álbeniz; the Monastery child,

violinist, the boy Agustin Campo, thirteen years old

old, disciple of Mr. Aguado: and the brothers



H.H. MM., always kind, listened

with dizzying pleasure and with the most tender affability

the pieces for each one executed in their respective

instruments, expressing their satisfaction

and Knowledge when seeing the expression and bright

execution of the children.

H.H. MM., after having deigned to address them

the word several times, they were given the honor of

that they kissed the royal hands twice too; and

They encouraged and exhorted them with inexplicable tenderness.

to continue applying themselves in the difficult race

in which with so much advantage they start from their first



The teachers Valdemósa, Albeníz, Lidon and Guelbenzu,

who also attended, were pleased

of the ability of such tender children.


We are very pleased to notice the goodness of His Holiness. MM.

which serves as a stimulus to artists at the same time

which gives them a notable honor. More since

This opportunity presents itself to us, we want to take advantage of it.

something to talk about the guilarra, even

by executing it we must hurt the modesty of the great



Agustin Campo, thirteen years old, (son

from the accredited guitar master of the street

Majaderitos has appeared to play in the presence of

H.H. MM., making use of the instrument tripodion,

invented by the famous Dionisio Aguado, for

place the guitar, and provide it with safety

and voices that are otherwise missing.


Dionisio Aguado, whose reputation and merit

are as great as his modesty, and whose fame resonates

with justice in both worlds. He has set out to demonstrate practically through his outstanding disciple, the boy Aguslin, what he is.

the guitar capable despite the difficulties that

he offers.


The invention of the tripod has caused

a kind of revolution in that beautiful instrument

rich in harmony, exquisite in melody, full

give graces and resources that no one else possesses. But

Dionisio Aguado must realize that his

Annoyance is a real evil for those who love

guilarra, either out of hobby, or because they seek

their subsistence. He must keep in mind that he should not

not to himself, but to his country, to his fans; to that one

truly and essentially Spanish instrument;

Dionisío Aguado does not let himself be heard so that people admire him

some, so that others learn, to stimulate

to the others. He is like the life-giving air, which does not

It is seen only by its effects. We understand

that he intends to make the aforementioned happy disciple of him,

give a concert in which guitar fans

can adrnirair the security, cleanliness and feeling

with which he executes that one, despite his tender

his age, passages full of difficulties; But we,

witnesses of the wonders that this disciple does,

that he seems destined by providence to inherit

the merit and skill of such a great teacher,

We would like him to be, conquering or quite his genius

take part in that concert, and have the dignity

to often let oneself be heard even only from people

amateur and knowledgeable. Otherwise not all

They will be convinced of the importance of the tripod

nor of the beauties of the guitar.


Surely the enthusiasm for this is notable,

precious and difficult instrument is discovered every day,

despite the fact that we have not yet heard how much and good

that is executed in it because even when there are great

compositions full of novelty, difficulties

of good taste, which leave nothing to be desired in

harmony and melody, not all of them have been published.


Dionisio Aguado, is in the position to contribute

on his part to increase that hobby; and one of

the means that, among us, seem convenient

adopt for this, in addition to the indicated one, would be the

to form a company, under the direction of such a distinguished

teacher, for the publication of selected and

great compositions; because nothing is published for the

guitar, worthy of attention. If the respectable

guitar genius needed the cooperation of

or other people to realize this thought, be

sure that it will be found: this is too clear to us.


Fans of the beauties of the guitar will welcome

with pleasure a newspaper in which they are published

pieces of merit; and no one like the famous Aguado

should be put in front of the publication.


We think the women deserve this gift well.

many people who love the guitar, among them

which are counted not a few ladies too, who

like those of Morejon and Bueno we have had the

pleasure of hearing difficult and clean compositions

quite executed.


Sesión filarm(5n¡ca infantil.—Ayer, á

las nueve de la noi'be, tubieron la honra de tocar á

presencia de SS. MM. una iiiilade edad de nueve

aíios, discípiula del señor Álbeniz; el niño Monasterio,

violinistr, el niño Agustin Campo, de trece afios

de edad, discípulo del señor Aguado: y los hermanos

Llórens. SS. MM., siempre amables, escucharon

con mareado gusto y con La mas tierna afabilidad

las piezas por cada cual ejecutadá en sus respectivos

instrumentos, maniféstando su cual complacencia

y Conocimientos al ver la espresion y brillante

ejecución de los ñiños.

SS. MM., después de habese dignado dirigirles

la palabra varías veces, les dispensaron el honor de

qué besásen las reales manós dós veces' tambien; y

les animaron y exhortaron con inesplícable ternnia

á que continnaren aplicándose en la difícil carrera

en que con tanta ventaja se inician desde su primera


Los maestros Valdemósa, Albeníz, Lidon y Guelbenzu,

qne igualmente asistieron , quedaron conplacidos

de la habilidad de tan tiernos niños.

Mucho nos place advertir la bondad de SS. MM.

que sirve de estímulo á los artistas al propio tiempo

qué les dispensa un senalado honor. Más ya que

se nos presenta esta ocasion, queremos aprovecharla

alguna cosa para hablar de la guilarra, siquiera

al ejecutarlo hayamos de herir la modestia del gran


Don Aguitin Campo, de trece años de edad, (hijo

del acreditado maestro guitarrero de la calle de

Majaderitos se ha presentado á tocar á presenciá de

SS. MM., hacíendo uso de la tripode instrumento

inventado por el célebre Dionisio Aguado, para

colocar la guitarra, y proporcionarla la segúridad

y voces que de otra suerte la faltan.

Dionisio Aguado, cuya reputación y mérito

son tán grande como su modésitiá, y cuya fama resueña

con justiciá en los dos mundos. Se ha propuesto demostrar practicamente por medio de aventajado discípulo, el niño Aguslin, de cuanto es

capaz la guitárra a pesar de las dificultadas que


La invención de la trípode, ha venido á causar

uná especié de revolucioñ en ese hermoso instrumento

rico én armonia, exquisito en melodia, lleno

dé gracías y recursos que ninguno otra posea. Pero

Dionisio Aguado debe penetrarse de que su

molestia es un verdadero mal para cuantos aman la

guilarra, sea por aficion, sea porque en ella buscan

su subsistencia. Debe tener presente, que no se debe

ya á si mismo , sino al pais, á los aficiónado; á ese

instrumento verdadera y esencialmenle español; 

Dionisío Aguado no se deja escuchar para que le admiren

unos, para que aprendan otros, para estimular

á los demas. És como el áire vivificador, que no

se deja ver sino por sus efectos. Tenemos entendido

que se propone hacer que su feliz ya citado discipulo,

dé uni concierto en que los aficionados a la guítarra

puedan adrnirair la seguridad  limpieza y sentimiento

con que ejecuta aquel, á pesar de su tierna

edad, pasages llenas de dificúltades; pero, nosotros,

testigos de Ios prodigios que hace este discípulo,

que parece destinado por la providencia para heredar 

el mérito y habilidad de tan gran maestro,

desearíamos que este, venciendo o bastante su genio

tomase parte en ese concierto, y tubiese la dignación

de dejarse oír amenudo siquiera solo de las personas

aficionadas y entendidas. De otra suerte no todos

se convenceran de la importancia de la trípode

ni de las bellezas de la guitarra.

Seguramente es notable la afición que hacia este

precioso y difícil instrumento cada día se descubre,

á pesar de qne no se ha oido aun lo mucho y bueno

que en él se ejecuta porque aun cuando hay grandes

composiciones llenas de novedad, de díftcultades

de buen gusto, que nada dejan que desear en

armonia y melodía, no todas se han publicailo.

Dlionio Aguado, está en el caso de contribuir

por su parte á aumenter esa afición; y uno de

los medios que, entre nosotros nos parece convendría

adoptar para ello, ademas del indicado, seria el

de formar una empresa, bajo la dirección de tan insigne

maestro, para la publicación de escojidas y

grandes composiciones; pues nada se publica para la

guitarra, que merezca la atenicion. Si el respetable

genio de la guitarra necesitase la cooperación de

o ras personas para realiza.- este pensamiento , esté

seguro de que se hallará: esto nos consta demasiado.


Los aficionados á las bellezas de la guitarra, acojieran

con gusto un periódico en que se publiquen

piezas de merito; y nadie como el celebre Aguado

debe ponerse al frente de la publicación.

Parécemos que bien se merecen este obsequio las

muchas personas amantes de la guitarra, entre las

cuales se cuentan no pocas señoritas también, que

como á las de Morejon y Bueno hemos tenido el

gusto de oir composiciones dificiles y con limpieza

bastante ejecutadas.

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