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Fernando Sor method book used by Professor at the Silvestre Sentchordi workshop in Valencia

by: Randy Osborne - Published 06/10/2024 9:53 AM

From the monthly newspaper "Diario mercantil de Valencia" May 27, 1839 page 4, is the report of the usage of this method book for guitar.


I initially expected it to be an obituary when I saw the snapshot of the listing on the Biblioteca Nacional de España de Madrid.


Text Translation:

"In the music house of Silvestre Sentchordi, fabricator of Guitars, located on calle de la Bolseria, will present the professor of this instrument, that offers to teach by the best methods, and especially that of Fernando Sors, for the stipend of 30 reales monthly outside of his home, or 20 reales in his home."



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