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Antonio de Torres visits Madrid in May of 1865

by: Randy Osborne - Published 09/09/2023 10:14 AM and updated 09/09/2023 10:17 AM


This is from the daily : El Pensamiento español (Madrid. 1860) 20/5/1865 pagina 3


"The famous guitar maker Antonio de Torres from Seville has arrived to our area. He has conquered the difficulties in such a way of construction of this difficult instrument, that his works are already appreciated, infinitely moreso than the guitars of the Pages family. Mr. Torres has more of an airy soundboard shape that is well proportioned, giving his guitars the sonority of a piano and the most exquisite tuning. The aficionados can admire some of what he has brought as for the most notable professors of Spain and of foreign lands, have already with the guitars of Mr. Torres."

How many guitars did he bring for sale? Who did he come to visit? Francisco Gonzalez, who would have his instruments, which consisted of three Guitars and one Bandurria, in 1867 receive awards in Paris, and at this time had Antonio Cano, Federico Cano and Tomas Damas teaching at his workshop? Gregorio Carracedo, who had made two Rosewood guitars utilized by concert guitarist Trinitario Huerta before the Madrid public in 1847? Gregorio Carracedo, located on calle de la Cruz, had a professor of guitar teaching sight-reading in his workshop as early as 1842, cited in the daily "Diario de avisos de Madrid" February 16, 1842.

On the subject of " how many guitars", in 1907 we see that Vicente Arias had at least 10 available to choose from in his workshop and in 1929 Francisco Simplicio, had at least 6 instruments displayed at the Barcelona Exposition. Months go I had wondered how many numbered and signed guitars at once were available in the Enrique Garcia workshop in Barcelona.

Interesting as well, there is only one known guitar labeled and dated by Antonio de Torres from 1865, when he was 48 years old. This lone guitar belonged to the Francisco Tarrega student, Daniel Fortea, who also owned a 1904 Enrique Garcia guitar among his collection of fine instruments.

I need to thank my colleague, Dr. James Westbrook, for advising me of the existence of&nbsp this lone 1865 guitar. He is an expert on the subject of the guitars of Antonio de Torres.

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