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Antonio de Torres (1817-1892)

Production totals by year 1854-1892

by: Randy Osborne - Published 05/31/2023 9:31 PM and updated 08/04/2023 3:41 PM


fe=First Epoch, se=Second Epoch, seu=Second Epoch Unlisted Updated 8/14/24 with the 1997 Romanillos Edition.

The fe series only relates to known information in 1987 when the "Antonio de Torres" biography was published, by our late indefatigable colleague, Jose Romanillos. Several Torres guitars have come to light since then, including some with a duplicate number 35 from the Segunda Epoca, according to my colleague, Richard Brune, who knows that Julio Sagreras' Torres guitar had that duplicate number, as he wrote a Vintage Guitar magazine article, about that very guitar many years ago.

The photo of the Soundboard and Rosette from the 1858 Torres Guitar, fe8 are from the archive of Ricardo Muñoz, author of "Historia de la Guitarra" published in Buenos Aires in 1930. This is from page 91 from my book "ANNOTATIONS FOR THE HISTORY OF THE CLASSICAL GUITAR IN ARGENTINA" 1822-2000, 4 VOLS.: go to the bottom of the home page to get to the link to make a purchase of this 2,630 page book, that weighs 21 lbs. My book contains a complete set of actual size photos of this guitar, these photos may be the oldest photos ever taken of this instrument, but now there are color photos of this guitar in books, some of them out of print.

I have owned the award winning 1858 Torres Guitar photos since December 1999, preceding the color photos being published, and now out of print. That archive of Ricardo Muñoz contained: besides the 7 scrapbooks of the career of Ricardo Muñoz, over 650 rare photos, of guitars, guitarists from all over the world and autographed books, by Dionisio Aguado, etc. Almost all of these photos found their way into my 4 volume book, which has over 3,200 photos and images.

1854 fe1

1854 fe2

1856 fe3

1856 fe4

1857 fe5

1857 fe6

1857 fe7

1858 fe8

1859 fe9

1859 fe10

1859 fe 10 a

1860 fe11

1860 fe12

1860 fe13

1862 fe14

1863 fe15

1863 fe16

1864 fe17

1864 fe18

1864 fe19

1864 fe20

1864 fe21

1864 fe21 a

1864 fe21 b

1864 fe21 c

1864 fe21 d


1865 fe 21 x

1865 This lone known 1865 guitar belonged to the Francisco Tarrega student, Daniel Fortea, who also owned a 1904 Enrique Garcia guitar among his collection of fine instruments. It was not known at the time of the Antonio de Torres Jose Romanillos biography published in 1987, from which all this data is drawn from.

1866 fe22

1867 fe23

1867 fe24

1867 fe25

1867 fe26

1867 fe27

1867 fe27  a

1867 fe27  b

1867 fe27  c

Also to be included is the 1867 small guitar our shop has for sale listed under classical guitars 462 mm scale, 50 mm Nut.

1868 fe28

1868 fe29

1869 fe30

1875 se2

1876 se7

1877 se 9

1877 se10

1877 seu1

18xxs seu2

1882 se28

1882 se29

1882 se31

1882 se33

1882 se37

1883 se43

1883 se49

1883 seu 05 illegible date on the label

1884 se60 18 or more produced this year

1884 se67

1884 se70

1884 se71

1884 se72

1884 se77

1885 se83

1885 seu3

1886 se87 at least 12 or more produced this year

1886 se88

1886 se92

1886 se98

1886 se99

Jose Lopez Beltran began sometime in 1887, he was involved in the last 50 guitars, and sold Torres guitars with ads in Almeria newspapers after Antonio's death, these newspaper images are on my website. Added 2 7 24: Jose Lopez Beltran and Antonio de Torres spent 5 weeks, 2 Days average on each guitar of the Segunda Epoca number 103 to number 155. Enrique Garcia spent 5 1/2 weeks on each guitar from the period time of 1900 onward until he had the Simplicio family, Francisco and Miguel, working with him. 


1887 se100

1887 seu 06  

1887 se103

1887 se104

1887 se105

1887 se107

1888 se112

1888 se113

1888 se114

1888 se115

1888 se117

1889 se127 13 or more produced this year

1889 se129 

1889 se133

1889 se139

1890 se141

1890 se142

1891 seu4

1892 se151

1892 se151 a

1892 se153

1892 se155

seu 06 


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